The 2019 Translation of St Thomas Becket day falls at the 6/7 July weekend and marks the moving of the saint’s body from Canterbury Cathedral crypt to the shrine upstairs in 1220.
The main events and services in Canterbury are below:
Saturday 6 July, Eve of Translation
11.15am Pageant enters West Gate to pass along High Street.
12 noon Angelus at St Peter’s Church: Canterbury Gregorian Music Society.
3.15pm Choral Evensong at Canterbury Cathedral.
7.30pm St Thomas More Service at St Dunstan’s Church.
This annual ecumenical service marks the anniversary of More’s execution in 1535. The saint is a martyr in the tradition of Becket.
Address by Prof Jackie Eales, Director of Research for Canterbury Christ Church University’s Faculty of Arts & Humanities, on The education of Margaret More and the Humanist context of support for female education in the early 16th century.
Followed by refreshments in hall.
Sunday 7 July, Translation of St Thomas
3.15pm Choral Evensong at Canterbury Cathedral followed by procession to shine site.
7pm Roman Catholic Mass at Canterbury Cathedral.