Next year 2020 is the 850 anniversary of Archbishop Thomas Becket’s murder in Canterbury Cathedral.
St Thomas was killed in his cathedral during Christmas week 1170.
Just two weeks earlier the Archbishop had visited Southwark Cathedral, then a priory, and spent the night next door at the Bishop of Winchester’s house.
Thomas already knew Southwark well having been born over the river in Cheapside and often crossed London Bridge for the road south.
Southwark Cathedral, where many today start their Canterbury pilgrimage, will begin its Becket 2020 programme in November this year with performances of Scena Mundi Theatre Company’s production of Murder in the Cathedral by TS Eliot.
The opening night is on Monday 4 November.
TS Eliot knew Southwark Cathedral which he visited in 1957 for the opening of the Shakespeare Festival.
Booking (£10-£45) now open at Experience Tickets.