For many 3 November is the day after All Souls’ Day or maybe Martin de Porres Day. However, in some calendars it is St Rumwold’s Day.
Alternative spellings include Rumwald, Rumbald and Rumbold. Rumwold is favoured by churches in Kent.
St Rumwold was born into the Mercian royal family in the 650s. The birth took place just south of Kings Sutton in Northamptonshire.
He lived for just three days during which he is reported to have spoken and even preached a sermon.
This remarkable claim did not impress Norman bishops who did little to promote the feast day.
However, 3 November was always a red letter day on the PW at Boxley Abbey where there was a St Rumwold statue which is said to have proved suddenly heavy if a sinner tried to lift it.
Another important date at the abbey was St Andrew’s Day at the end of month when a relic was displayed.
**Boxley Abbey remains, below the parallel vineyard path, are not open to the public although the surviving long barn can be seen from the PW.