Franciscans 800: Southwark celebrates

The Shard and tower of Southwark Cathedral

If you are setting out for Canterbury from Southwark on Tuesday 17 September you will find the Franciscan 800 celebrations at both cathedrals.

At 9am Morning Prayer is at Southwark Cathedral (Anglican) followed by the Eucharist. Included will be prayers for peace in the Holy Land as part of the World Week for Peace in Palestine and Israel.

Afterwards there is a pilgrimage walk to All Hallows Eco- Church in Copperfield Street for refreshments and a sing-along of St Francis’ Canticle of the Creatures.

At 12 noon St George’s Cathedral (Roman Catholic) is the venue for the
Mass celebrating the 800th Anniversary of the Stigmata of St Francis of Assisi.

** 2024 is the 800th anniversary of both Franciscans arriving in England and St Francis receiving the Stigmata (painful marks on the hands corresponding to the wounds of Christ crucified) in La Verna on Mount Penna in Italy.

St George’s Cathedral

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