After Southwark Cathedral, where you can obtain a pilgrim passport in the shop, this is the first main stop on the pilgrim route to Canterbury.
Here at the Old Kent Road crossroads known as St Thomas A Watering pilgrims on horseback used to pause to water their horse in the stream running across the road.
The pub sign is a reproduction of a 13th-century glass image of Thomas Becket in a Canterbury Cathedral window.
The Thomas A Becket pub was reopened earlier this year as Rock Island bar & grill serving burgers and pizzas from noon to midnight.
This was Geoffrey Chaucer’s first stop in his book The Canterbury Tales but some walkers also stop briefly first at St George the Martyr Church in Borough High Street where a stamp is also available.
Rock Island’s own stampRock Island at Thomas A Becket in Old Kent Road
Passing through Denbies vineyard on the Pilgrims’ Way you may notice that grape picking has started.
The first day was Thursday 7 September which is the earliest in the estate’s history.
Concerns about a late frost and a hot June followed by poor weather have proved unfounded. “The quality is quite outstanding,” says Denbies CEO Christopher White.
Denbies lies below Box Hill with south facing slopes enjoying a micro climate.
Accommodation for walkers is available at The Farmhouse.
You need several vital items for your walk from Southwark in London to Canterbury.
Your pilgrim passport and the guide book can both be obtained from Southwark Cathedral shop.
And you should not forget to carry water.
Your water bottle can be filled free from water taps and fountains in Borough Market which you will pass through on leaving the cathedral.
The Market is phasing out the sale of water in single-use plastic bottles and now selling a lightweight refillable water bottle made from recycled plastic for £2. Perfect for a pilgrimage walk.
Try the market office behind one of the prominent taps.
What should you do at Southwark Cathedral when setting out on your walk to Canterbury?
Get your passport from the shop; buy postcards for your friends; look at figures on the great screen behind the high altar and find St Thomas Becket and St Swithun; say a prayer and light a candle.
And of course look out for Doorkins the cathedral cat.
A delightful book called Doorkins the Cathedral Cat is being launched on Sunday 20 August at 12.30pm in the churchyard. All are welcome to enjoy coffee, sparkling wine and cat themed biscuits.
Author Lisa Gutwein and illustrator Rowan Ambrose will be signing copies.
Will Doorkins, often seen walking through the cathedral ignoring a sermon, attend her own party?
Tuesday 18 July is the 200th anniversary of Jane Austen’s death in Winchester.
The novelist, who is buried in the cathedral, will be remembered at Choral Evensong with music familiar to her and a hymn based on a prayer written by her.
Earlier in the afternoon, Bank of England staff will be in the cathedral to unveil the new £10 note featuring Jane Austen.
Visitors will be allowed to handle the note which enters circulation in September.
The design features places associated with Jane Austen along the Pilgrims’ Way: her Chawton house writing table and her brother’s home Godmersham Park, near Canterbury, which became the inspiration for a number of her novels.
To visit the bank note exhibition (2.30pm-5pm) and attend evensong (5.30pm) on this special day it is necessary to book free via the cathedral box office (01962 857275).
Next weekend is good time to start out from Winchester on the Pilgrims’ Way. Saturday 15 July is St Swithun’s Day.
At Winchester Cathedral the First Evensong of St Swithun will be sung on Friday evening 14 July at 5.30pm.
On Saturday 15 July, St Swithuns’s Day, there are celebrations of the Eucharist at 8am and noon.
The main St Swithun observance is Choral Evensong at 4.30pm when the new Dean, The Very Revd Catherine Ogle, is the preacher.
The service climax is a procession to the Shrine of St Swithun.
The calendar name for the day is The Translation of St Swithun. It was this moving of the saint’s body to a new grave which has given rise to him being associated with rain.
Walkers will find that the forecast for Saturday is no rain.
Friday 7 July is the Translation of St Thomas of Canterbury.
Translation refers to the moving of Thomas Becket’s body in 1220 from the Canterbury Cathedral crypt to his new shrine upstairs in the main church.
So Friday’s observances at the cathedral are like his feast day in December except at a more convenient time and in warmer weather.
The eve of the Translation, Thursday 6 July, is the anniversary of the execution of St Thomas More who, like Becket, was killed for opposing a King.
More’s anniversary is marked, as always since 1971, by a lecture at nearby St Dunstan’s on the Pilgrims’ Way in Canterbury.
This is where Henry II started his barefoot walk to Becket’s shrine.
It is also where now the head of St Thomas More rests in a vault. The gateway of his daughter Margaret Roper’s house is nearby.
A descendant Anne Roper gave one of the first talks. Other guest speakers have included Archbishop Michael Ramsey, Elizabeth Longford and Tim Tatton-Brown.
This year’s address is being delivered by St Dunstan’s former rector Maurice Worgan who in 1993 encouraged the publication of past addresses which have built a picture of St Thomas More’s life.
Fr Worgan’s talk is called ‘The Polarity of Sir Thomas More: Saint or Sinner?‘.
Early on Friday morning, the Translation, the Eucharist will be celebrated on the spot where Becket was murdered in December 1170.
In the afternoon choral evensong is followed by a procession to the Shrine site. Here the chapter, the monks’ successors, and congregation gather round the place which drew so many pilgrims until the shrine’s destruction in the conflict of Henry VIII’s reign.
The Roman Catholic Mass is celebrated at 8pm.
On Saturday 8 July there is the second annual Canterbury Medieval Pageant commemorating Henry ll’s pilgrimage to Canterbury in 1174. This is mainly for families with young children but the programme includes Canterbury’s Gregorian Music Society singing the Angelus at noon in St Peter’s Church.
Canterbury Cathedral programme for the Translation 2017
Thursday 6 July
5.30pm First Evensong of Translation of St Thomas
7.30pm St Thomas More Commemoration at St Dunstan’s Church
Friday 7 July
8am Eucharist at Altar of Sword-point
12.30pm Festal Communion Service in Trinity Chapel
5.30pm Choral Evensong and procession the Shrine site
8pm Roman Catholic Mass in cathedral crypt
A window in St Dunstan’s: St Thomas More and family
Abinger Hammer in Surrey was recently listed as one of the most idyllic English villages.
The pub has closed and its church is two miles away from the main street and the Pilgrims’ Way route.
But the village is attractive and just near its famous hammer clock, where the trail turns uphill, is Abinger Hammer’s Old Post Office.
It still has a lovely wall post box and at the doorway there are fishing nets for children to use in the Tilling Bourne across the road.
This is the village newsagents open from 6am to 5.15pm with a tea room attached.
You will find homemade cakes in the front room overlooking the green.
Picnic sandwiches can be made on the spot.
With the sub post office part of the shop having been closed in 2004 there is no stamp available for stamping pilgrim passports but staff will sign and date a square for you.
Abinger Hammer is just east of Shere. The Old Post Office is the last refreshment stop before Box Hill.
To Canterbury from Winchester and London / Leigh Hatts