New Lesnes Abbey website

Book accompanying the online guide

A recent addition to information relating to the Pilgrims’ Way is an online guide to Lesnes Abbey.

But for the Coronavirus lockdown this is a site which would have been having much traffic in this Becket 2020 year.

Lesnes Abbey, dedicated to the Virgin Mary and St Thomas of Canterbury, lies on the north side of the main road between Shooters Hill and Dartford.

It was founded by Richard de Lucy who had been close to both Henry II and Thomas Becket.

The website is the work of Chris Hawkins and a Lesnes Abbey book based on the content is also available.

The illustrations show how the abbey once looked and maps explain its setting on the marshy bank of the River Thames.

The abbey was a day’s journey from London and it is good to read the author’s firm view that ‘pilgrims had always been important to Lesnes Abbey’.

We know that in 1300 Edward I visited on his way from London to Canterbury as did the Bishop of Worcester who also stayed the night in 1313.

Chris says that there would have been ‘a steady stream of poorer pilgrims’.

Although Geoffrey Chaucer does not have his pilgrims call at Lesnes in The Canterbury Tales he did visit in the company of The Tabard Inn landlord Harry Bailey.

The book cover shows the doorway below the guest house.

BECKET 2020 OR 2023?

Compostela Holy Year 2021 logo

It is reported by the Confraternity of St James that Santiago Cathedral is asking Pope Francis to extend next year’s St James Holy Year into 2022.

This is prompted by a growing realisation in Galicia that a return to normal will be gradual with travel restricted for sometime after a phased return to work.

The Camino may still be ‘closed’ next spring.

Indeed Venice, for example, is already planning to severely limit tourists for some years after the virus is defeated.

So where does this leave our current Becket 2020 programme?

Even if Canterbury Cathedral reopens this summer there will be few able to be present for the Translation of St Thomas of Canterbury on 7 July. Planned lectures are unlikely to take place or may have to be online only.

Should we think about re-starting our Becket year when the UK has returned to normal? The very earliest date for that state of affairs appears to be summer 2021.

One possibility for a new Becket year free of difficulty is 2023 which will be the 850th anniversary of Thomas Becket’s canonisation.

The actual date was Ash Wednesday 21 February 1173.

In 2023 that day, 21 February, will be Shrove Tuesday. A Pancake Day with resonance, and during the half term holiday, could be the launch of another Becket year.

Walking to Canterbury on a treadmill

Tim Gee, who lives near the Old Kent Road, was planning to walk to Canterbury during Holy Week arriving this Easter weekend.

Aware that St Thomas’ Hospital is named after St Thomas Becket whose shrine was at Canterbury, Tim is fundraising for Latin American Women’s Aid refuge.

Not to be stopped by the virus crisis he is ‘walking all the way’ on a treadmill outside his Peckham flat.

He can be seen on BBC London & South East News today (at about 3 minutes in).

The Dean of Canterbury, the Very Revd Robert Willis, is planning to send him a message of welcome.

St Catherine’s Chapel cave discovery

The cave is to the east of the tunnel entrance.

A cave has been discovered under the grounds of St Catherine’s Chapel in Surrey.

The chapel is on the Pilgrims’ Way from Winchester and just south of Guildford, between Compton and St Martha’s Hill.

St Catherine’s Chapel was built in 1317 as a chapel of ease for St Nicholas Church in Guildford but is known to have had a huge number of visitors.

The discovery was made following a collapse of railway embankment at the southern entrance to the tunnel under the site.

An archaeology expert has suggested that the cave must pre-date the chapel. The chapel has given its name to the village but the earlier name for the hill was Hill of the Dragons.

“Every effort will be made to preserve elements where possible,” says Network Rail.

The cave entrance
St Catherine’s Chapel looking east towards St Martha’s Hill

Live Cathedral services ended

Due to the extreme restrictions on movement of people due to the virus there has been an immediate termination of live broadcasts from Southwark, Canterbury and Winchester Cathedrals.

At present only Southwark has announced alternative arrangements: Morning Prayer 9am and Compline 9pm are being streamed live on Facebook from The Deanery on Bankside.

On Sunday there will be a live Eucharist with a recorded sermon at 11am.

The Dean of Southwark, Andrew Nunn, has written the following prayer at the request of the Association of English Cathedrals:

A Prayer in Lockdown

The doors of the house where the disciples had met were locked. (John 20.19)

Ever present God,

be with us in our isolation,

be close to us in our distancing,

be healing in our sickness,

be joy in our sadness,

be light in our darkness,

be wisdom in our confusion,

be all that is familiar when all is unfamiliar,

that when the doors reopen

we may with the zeal of Pentecost

inhabit our communities

and speak of your goodness

to an emerging world.

For Jesus’ sake.


Oscar Romero: Another Becket

A statue of St Thomas More and a picture of St Oscar Romero above his stole in Canterbury

Today is the 40th anniversary of Oscar Romero’s assassination.

Archbishop of San Salvador Oscar Romero was shot dead at the altar of a hospital chapel on orders of the state having spoken for the poor and appealed to the army not to kill innocent fellow-citizens.

News of his death was a sensation when reported in London as was Thomas Becket’s in 1170 when reported to the Pope.

Oscar Romero is recognised as a martyr and saint. The similarity to Thomas Becket and St Thomas More is overwhelming.

When the time comes for us to be able to go on pilgrimage it will be possible to visit the national St Oscar Romero shrine at the Roman Catholic St George’s Cathedral in Southwark and, on arriving in Canterbury, go to the St Thomas of Canterbury Church and see relics of St Thomas and St Oscar.

Southwark, Canterbury & Winchester: Live worship

Southwark Cathedral: Candles at the Pilgrimage installation by Michelle Rumney

Services are being streamed live from Southwark Cathedral, Winchester Cathedral and Canterbury Cathedral, the start and climax of the two pilgrim roads.

At Southwark daily services are 9.15 Eucharist and 4pm Evensong. Sunday services are 11am and 3pm.

The backdrop at Southwark Cathedral is the huge Lent artwork called Pilgrimage by Michelle Rumney featuring hanging Pilgrims’ Way maps above guttering candles including one to the height of St Thomas Becket.

Canterbury Cathedral daily services are 12 noon Eucharist and 5.30pm Evensong (3.15pm on Sunday).

The backdrop at Canterbury is the Chair of St Augustine placed before the site of St Thomas Becket’s shrine.

Winchester Cathedral, the start of of longer Pilgrims’ Way to Canterbury, has also started streaming services.

At Winchester the services are 8.30am Eucharist and 5.30pm Evensong. Sunday services are 11am Eucharist and 3.30pm Evensong.

The backdrop is the great screen which is replicated in Southwark Cathedral and seen now as part of the Pilgrimage artwork.

How to join in

Southwark services can be accessed via the cathedral website or Facebook

Canterbury services can be accessed via cathedral website

Winchester services can be accessed via the cathedral website

Live from Canterbury

Canterbury Cathedral cloister

It is extraordinary that whilst many of us are disappointed that we shall not be arriving on foot in Canterbury during this Becket2020 year we are suddenly able to be there daily.

Services are being broadcast live from the cathedral.

The congregation is us watching online.

The reader at today’s noon Mass was canon missioner Emma Pennington who in normal times is responsible for the care of arriving pilgrims.

Monday to Friday
12noon Eucharist
5.30pm Evensong

Saturday & Sunday
9.30am Morning Prayer
12noon Eucharist
3.15pm Evensong

Spur Yard by Peta Bridle

Peta Bridle’s Spur yard etching

The display of Peta Bridle’s dry point etchings in Southwark Cathedral includes an interesting view of Spur Yard before its recent regeneration for a modern hotel.

Spur Yard is one of many old inn yard turnings off Borough High Street. Now it is the entrance to a Premier Inn which may be equally handy for the 2020 pilgrim to Canterbury as the Spur Inn was for one in 1520.

Peta Bridle has been making etchings for the past seven years and, although using a Victorian-syle press, only makes a few prints as each plate is plastic.

Her work reflects her long interest in old Southwark and the river.

The display is in the cathedral’s Lancelot Link.

Spur Yard today with its widened entrance

Becket opera on South Bank

Early image of Thomas Becket in Canterbury Cathedral window

An opera based on TS Eliot’s Murder in the Cathedral is being staged at the Queen Elizabeth Hall this month.

Murder in the Cathedral, or Assassinio nella cattedrale, was first performed at La Scala Milan in 1958.

In December 2006 there was a performance in the Basilica of St Nicholas in Bari. St Thomas Becket is patron of nearby Mottola.

The opera in two acts by the Italian composer Ildebrando Pizzetti is now being staged in English by the Chelsea Opera Group with Sir John Tomlinson (bass) as Archbishop Thomas Becket.

This South Bank performance is on Saturday 28 March at 7.30pm; tickets £17 – £45. A pre-concert talk for ticket-holders is at 6.15pm.

The TS Eliot play was recently staged at nearby Southwark Cathedral and will be performed later this year in Canterbury Cathedral where it was premiered in 1935.

To Canterbury from Winchester and London / Leigh Hatts