Walkers from London will find the River Darent is running high along the valley from Dartford.
A crucial section of Franks Lane between Horton Kirby and Farningham is closed due to flooding.
Even the alternative triangular footpath diversion is also flooded.
On arriving at the bridge in Franks Lane check to see if the ‘road closed’ sign is still displayed on the far side. If so do not cross the bridge but turn right to walk up the hill past Franks Hall gates (left) to the main road.
Turn left to follow the pavement, for much of the way set back from the traffic, to the roundabout outside Farningham. Continue ahead downhill to reach the village main street by the Chequers pub.
The eco Puttenham Barn reports an increase last year in pilgrims walking from Winchester to Canterbury enjoying a night’s stay.
The discount for pilgrims arriving on foot or bicycle means that you can stay for under £20 and enjoy, a bunk, hot shower and use the communal kitchen.
The pilgrim stamp is added to passports in an appropriate green ink.
You will need a sleeping bag and due to its popularity booking is essential.
Puttenham lies between Farnham and Guildford. Food is available at the Good Intent pub which is also in the village.
A Tabard Inn Southwark stamp is now available for holders of the Pilgrims’ Way passport.
The successor to the Tabard Inn was the Old Tabard built in 1875 and still in business during the last century. It occupied a small portion of the original site being confined to the northern corner of the Talbot Yard entry off Borough High Street.
This Old Tabard building survives with its ground floor now occupied by the London Bridge Local convenience store selling sweets, snacks and even woolly hats.
In Talbot Yard, the former Tabard yard, there is a plaque recording the Tabard Inn and its association with Geoffrey Chaucer. The inn opened about 1310 when it was owned and run by Hyde Abbey near Winchester.
Passports are obtainable at the nearby Southwark Cathedral shop which can also provide a cathedral stamp as the first for the Southwark to Canterbury pilgrimage route.
The Tabard Inn stamp is obtainable in the London Bridge Local shop.
Geoffrey Chaucer opens The Canterbury Tales by having his characters gather at The Tabard:
‘It happened that, in that season, on a day In Southwark, at the Tabard, as I lay Ready to go on pilgrimage and start To Canterbury, full devout at heart, There came at nightfall to that hostelry Some nine and twenty in a company Of sundry persons who had chanced to fall In fellowship, and pilgrims were they all That toward Canterbury town would ride.’
The one character who has been identified as a real person is the Tabard’s landlord Harry Bailey who once accompanied Chaucer to Lesnes Abbey where pilgrims often spent their second night. This is probably why Chaucer chooses to put the Tabard in his story rather than the better known Bell opposite which he mentions.
The new Bishop of Winchester, the Rt Revd Philip Mounstephen, will be formally welcomed at Winchester Cathedral on Saturday afternoon 13 January.
But first Bishop Stephen will take the necessary oaths and make the declarations required in the tiny church of St Lawrence.
This is the first church on the Pilgrims’ Way near the archway at the Buttercross. The church was originally William the Conqueror’s chapel attached to his palace.
When the bishop emerges from St Lawrence’s he will be greeted by the Roman Catholic Bishop of Portsmouth, the Rt Revd Philip Egan, whose own diocese embraces Winchester.
The two Bishops Philip, together with others, will walk in procession to the cathedral’s west door on the Pilgrims’ Way outward route.
Philip Mountstephen will be installed in his throne, or cathedra, during the welcome service and afterwards he will appear again outside to bless the Winchester and the diocese.
Seats are available from 12.45pm until the cathedral is full.
The procession and service can be viewed live on the Winchester Cathedral website from 1.45pm.
Evensong at Canterbury Cathedral on Friday 29 December, St Thomas of Canterbury Martyrdom, will be at 5.30pm.
This is a little later than in past years but 5.30pm is now the daily time for evensong which is broadcast live via the website.
The service is being branded Memorial Service for the Martyrdom of St Thomas. The liturgy includes lines from TS Eliot’s Murder In The Cathedral and a dramatic slamming of the cloister door.
The guest preacher is the Bishop of Chelmsford.
Solemn Vespers will be sung at 8pm.
On 29 December 1170 Archbishop Becket was murdered at about 4.30pm whilst Vespers was being sung in the choir.
At St George’s Roman Catholic Cathedral in Southwark on Thursday 28 September at 6pm there will be a Solemn Ecumenical Vespers to mark the tenth anniversary of the shrine installed in honour of St Oscar Romero.
The preacher will be Dr John Hall, former Dean of Westminster Abbey where a statue of the saint is found above the west door.
Oscar Romero was Archbishop of San Salvador when martyred by government agents as he celebrated Mass.
The shrine is a huge 3-dimensional cross, designed in El Salvador by artist Fernando Llort. Inside a reliquary contains a fragment of the blood-stained alb that Archbishop Romero was wearing when murdered.
Oscar Romero has been likened to St Thomas Becket and Romero relics are found at each end of the Pilgrims’ Way -at Southwark’s St George’s Cathedral opposite the Imperial War Museum and in St Thomas of Canterbury Church next to Canterbury Cathedral.
Some pilgrims like to start at St George’s Cathedral and visit St Thomas of Canterbury Church immediately after arriving at Canterbury cathedral so as to acknowledge both saints.
The Romero Way is a short route linking St George’s Cathedral (RC) to Southwark Cathedral (Anglican/CofE) which provides a start for the Pilgrims’ Way without losing the experience of walking down Borough High Street as pilgrims of old including Chaucer’s fictional characters.
Thursday’s vespers will be followed by a reception for the congregation in the Amigo Hall.
We had the warning in Winchester on a rainy St Swithun’s Day 15 July:
St Swithin’s Day, if it does rain/Full forty days, it will remain
So on St Bartholomew’s Day 24 August we hope to say:
All the tears St Swithun can cry /St Bartholomew dusty mantle wipes dry
You come across a St Bartholomew church after just half a mile on your first day out of Winchester. The church, ‘the active remnant of Hyde Abbey’, is holding an open day on Saturday 26 August 10am-4pm. This will also be the first day of the annual Community Dig to uncover more of the abbey buildings.
The other St Bartholomew church is at Otford where the Winchester and London Pilgrims’ Way routes meet. The church is usually open weekday mornings and on Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9am-12 noon the office can provide a stamp for your pilgrim passport.
A church with the very rare dedication to St Martha is found on the top of a hill on the Pilgrims’ Way between St Catherine’s near Guildford and Shere.
Saturday 29 July is St Martha’s Day.
The church is celebrating on Sunday at 11.15am and teas will be available in the afternoon.
St Martha knew Jesus in his last week on earth when he stayed with her family at Bethany. Her supposed relics are in another ancient pilgrim church: Sainte-Marthe at Tarascon in Provence.
Surrey’s St Martha’s church is 570 feet above sea level and on a clear day affords a view of seven counties. It features in the opening sequence of the 1944 film A Canterbury Tale.
To Canterbury from Winchester and London / Leigh Hatts